
10.1.25 MP Visit, Buns and Toast, Weather Disruption

13.12.24 Nativity, Christmas Parties, Christmas Tree Festival

6.12.24 Winter Raffle, Demonstrations of Learning, SEND Information

29.11.24 Robinwood, EYFS Nativity Tickets, Reception Applications

22.11.24 Christmas Dinner, Christmas Fayre Tokens, Reception Applications

15.11.24 PINS Coffee Morning, Lunchboxes, Improving Attendance Information

8.11.24 Remembrance, Open Day, Christmas Fayre Stalls

25.10.24 Parents' Evening Appointments, Poppy Appeal, Y6 Secondary Applications

18.10.24 School Council Election Results, Social Media Use, Gate and Registration

11.10.24 School Council Elections, Halloween Dinner and Non-uniform Day

4.10.24 Poetry Festival, Harvest Donations, Community Breakfast

27.9.24 English Hub, Try a School Dinner Day, Volunteering at Withinfields

20.9.24 Lockdown & Fire Practice, Shoebox Appeal, SEND Parent Group

6.9.24 Parent Liaison Officers, Tesco Grant, Nasal Flu Vaccinations

13.9.24 Parent Questionnaire, Lockdown, Pay it forward


What's happening at Withinfields?

Ten Pin Bowling - Some of our Year 5 children took part in a Ten Pin Bowling competition at Electric Bowl in Halifax.  This is part of a series of events that make up a Panathlon.  They brought back lots of medals and a certificate and thoroughly enjoyed their morning!


Healthy Minds workshop in Y6 - The Year 6 children took part in a Healthy Minds workshop about Self-esteem.  They enjoyed working with the team that joined us and completing various tasks.


Visit from MP Kate Dearden - We welcomed our local MP to school on Friday, 10th January.  She looked around our school and was particularly impressed with the way that we support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and the way that we all care about each other.  She explained to the School Council how she was elected and likened it to the way that they had been elected.  She also talked to the School Council about her work and how she aims to make a difference for the people of Halifax as well as for the whole country.  The school councillors asked her some questions about herself and her work.

Remembrance Poppies - The Out of School Club children have been making poppies which we have taken to St Anne's to be displayed as part of their Remembrance displays.  They were delighted with them.

Early Years' Easter Stay and Play - The Nursery and Reception children were delighted to invite their adults into school for this event.  They spent time together decorating eggs, making Easter nests and baskets and creating Easter crowns.  They even had an Easter Egg hunt to win a chocolate egg!


Y5 Visit to Castle Hill, Huddersfield - The children and staff from Y5 went to visit Castle Hill in Huddersfield as part of their History and Geography curriculum.  They were amazed with the views and how far they could see and also learned about species of animals living in some interesting places within the environment!

Mothers' Day Breakfast - We had a record 165 people arrive for breakfast to celebrate Mothers' Day!  Lots of people passed their thanks on to the catering team, led by Mrs Welsh.  It is always a pleasure to get together at these events.

Year 6 Visit to the Piece Hall - Year 6 visited the Piece Hall as part of their local history topic.  Whilst there, they visited the Heritage Centre where they had the opportunity to try on clothes, research facts about the woollen industry and complete a fact-finding crossword.  Enroute to the Piece Hall, the children practised their geography skills by reading a map and by identifying physical and human features that they passed along the way.


Fathers' Day Breakfast - We served breakfast to lots of our dads, grandads, stepdads and other father figures around Fathers' Day.  It is always lovely to see the children enjoying some special time with their loved ones.


Theatre Company Visit  - The children enjoyed a visit from M&M Theatrical Productions in June who performed their version of Oliver Twist.  There was lots of music alongside the famous storyline and children from Nursery to Year 6 all loved the experience.


Poetry Slam - The Year 6 children worked with a poet called Rob Bradley who helped them all create poetry in groups around the theme of 'Green'.  All the children worked hard and were incredibly creative but one group had to be chosen to represent the school at the Calderdale Poetry Slam.  The winning group performed at The Victoria Theatre, Halifax on 22nd March along with lots of other schools.  The group were amazing and the staff and parents who attended were incredibly proud of them.

Poppy Cascade at Halifax Minster - Every class in school has created poppies for the poppy cascade at Halifax Minster.  We used a wide variety of media including bottle bottoms, bun cases and more traditional materials.  The school council visited the church to see the poppies in position.  We are very proud to be one of only two Halifax schools to provide poppies for this event.


Poetry Festival Winners - We held our annual poetry festival and the winners from each year group were lucky enough to visit a local book shop, The Thoughtful Spot, to choose their prize.  We were very impressed with everyone who learned a poem to recite.


EYFS Forest School Experiences - Mrs Barton is leading weekly Forest School sessions for groups of Reception children.  They will all experience all four seasons in the forest throughout their sessions over the course of the year.  Here are our first group of explorers, ready for any weather!



Forest School Family 2021-2022- The children in the Forest School have thoroughly enjoyed their time in the forest.  Come rain or shine, they have loved exploring and learning new skills.



Austria's music topic - Austria managed to perform their singing in the wildlife area.  Their singing was amazing!  Well done, Austria!


Out of School Club - Many of the children in Out of School Club designed a tile to give to the important men in their lives on Fathers' Day to use as a coaster.  We would like to thank Mr Gill from Dickies Tiles for donating the tiles to us.  

Nursery Frog Topic - Nursery have been 'jumping into summer' making their very own frogs.  They used a range of skills that they have been developing over the year such as cutting, sticking and painting which challenged them but they really enjoyed themselves. They found out all about frogs: where they live, how they turn from tadpoles into frogs and what they eat. Did you know that frogs drink water through a patch on their belly and absorb the water? This was Nursery's favourite fact about frogs!



Year 5 Reading Superstars - Two of our Year 5 boys have reached the amazing achievement of reading more than 2 million words this school year.  Thomas and Henry were therefore treated to a visit to The Thoughtful Spot Children's bookshop with a chosen friend each where they all chose a book.  The bookshop owner was incredibly impressed with the group and described them as 'an utter joy'!  Well done, Thomas and Henry!

Year 2 Sandwich design - Year 2 have been busy designing and making sandwiches.  They collected and presented data about favourite fillings and types of bread before designing their own healthy sandwich for Paddington Bear.  They practised the skills of chopping, peeling, slicing and grating before independently making and testing their own sandwich design.  Upon evaluation, some realised blueberries and cheese really don't go well together in a sandwich!

Year 6 Better Futures - The Y6 children spent Tuesday working with Michelle Hogan from Own Futures.  They spent time thinking about possible careers and how to achieve their goals.  The aim of the session was to ensure that our children finished their primary school career with high expectations for themselves as they move on.  They provided some lovely feedback at the end of the session.  These are some highlights:

What have you enjoyed about the day?

  • I enjoyed doing something different- it makes you think what you want to do in the future
  • I liked having a look at all the career choices
  • I liked this lesson because it was really fun and we got to express ourselves
  • I could actually share myself and what I want to do
  • You learn more about yourself
  • Now I know what to do in my job
  • I have noticed that I have a lot of qualities that match my future job
  • The tree made me realise I had a lot more qualities than I thought
  • The skills line made me think I have some skills
  • I enjoyed looking at the things I am good at rather than what I’m not
  • Made me reflect on how good I actually am at things

 What have you learnt?

  • That we are going to have to do applications and it might be hard
  • Need to include our skills and strengths in our applications
  • All the different jobs that I didn’t know existed before
  • That jobs I never knew existed, did exist
  • We all have qualities
  • That you can get any job if you put your mind to it
  • A lot of jobs are going to die out over time
  • Never give up on yourself
  • If you are focusing on a job that isn’t likely to happen, have a back up plan

 Any other comments?

  • I’m glad that I have a new dream job
  • I’m excited for my future
  • This lesson makes me happy because it focuses more on your positives than the negatives
  • It’s not all about the money
  • Made me think of other jobs I could have
  • The lesson made me realise that I can do my dream job

Wildlife Area time - Each year group has a timetabled session in the wildlife area each week.  This is time to explore, have adventures and socialise with their peers following all the time spent in lockdown in the last year.  Here are some photographs of the children enjoying their time in the wildlife area.





Intra-School Sports - As the children cannot compete against other schools at the moment, we have decided to hold our own competitive sports events with classes competing against each other during this summer term.  The first week, each class chose a Boccia team to compete and the winning classes earned 10 points for their clan.  Here are some photos from Y3 during the second week when classes chose a cricket team to compete.